Saturday, 21 September 2013

RTU 1st Year 1st Sem B.Tech. Syllabus Engineering Chemistry.


Unit 1

General Aspects of Fuel: Organic fuels, Origin, classification and general aspects of fossil fuels.
Solid fuels, Coal, carbonization of coal, manufacturing of coke by Beehive oven and by product
oven method. Liquid fuels, Composition of petroleum, advantages and refining of petroleum.
Cracking, reforming, polymerization and isomerization of refinery products. Synthetic petrol,
Bergius and Fischer Tropsch process. Knocking, octane number and anti-knocking agents.
Gaseous fuels, Advantages, manufacturing, composition and calorific value of coal, gas and oil

Unit 2

Fuels Analyses: Ultimate and proximate analysis of coal, Determination of calorific value of
solid and gaseous fuels by bomb and Junker’s Calorimeter respectively. Calculations of calorific
value based on Dulong’s formula. Combustion, requirement of oxygen/ air in combustion
process. Flue gas analysis by Orsat’s apparatus and its significance.

Unit 3

Polymers: Different methods of classification, basic ideas of polymerization mechanisms.
Elastomers: Natural rubber, vulcanization, Synthetic Rubbers viz. Buna-S, Buna-N, Butyl and
neoprene rubbers.
New Engineering Materials: Fullerenes: Introduction, properties, preparation and uses. Organic
Electronic Materials (including conducting polymers- poly (p-phenylene), polythiophenes,
Polyphenylene, vinylenes, polypyroles, polyaniline).

Unit 4

Cement: Definition, Composition, basic constituents and their significance, Manufacturing of
Portland cement by Rotary Kiln Technology, Chemistry of setting and hardening of cement and
role of gypsum.
Glass: Definition, Properties, Manufacturing of glass and importance of annealing in glass
making, Types of silicate glasses and their commercial uses, Optical fiber grade glass.

Unit 5

Refractory: Definition, classification, properties, Requisites of good refractory and
manufacturing of refractory. Preparation of Silica and fire clay refractory with their uses. Seger’s
(Pyrometric) Cone Test and RUL Test
Lubricants: Introduction, classification and uses of lubricants. Types of lubrication. Viscosity &
viscosity index, flash and fire point, cloud and pour point, steam emulsification number,
precipitation number and neutralization number.


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