1 Use of Basic Unix Shell Commands: ls, mkdir, rmdir, cd, cat, banner, touch, file, wc,
sort, cut, grep, dd, dfspace, du, ulimit.
2 Commands related to inode, I/O redirection and piping, process control commands,
3 Shell Programming: Shell script exercises based on following
(i) Interactive shell scripts (ii) Positional parameters (iii) Arithmetic
(iv) if-then-fi, if-then-else-fi, nested if-else (v) Logical operators
(vi) else + if equals elif, case structure (vii) while, until, for loops, use of break
(viii) Metacharacters (ix) System administration: disk management and daily
4 Write a shell script to create a file in $USER /class/batch directory. Follow the
(i) Input a page profile to yourself, copy it into other existing file;
(ii) Start printing file at certain line
(iii) Print all the difference between two file, copy the two files at $USER/CSC/2007
(iv) Print lines matching certain word pattern.
5 Write shell script for-
(i) Showing the count of users logged in,
(ii) Printing Column list of files in your home directory
(iii) Listing your job with below normal priority
(iv) Continue running your job after logging out.
6 Write a shell script to change data format .Show the time taken in execution of this
7 Write a shell script to print files names in a directory showing date of creation & serial B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering Syllabus Page 16
number of the file.
8 Write a shell script to count lines, words and characters in its input(do not use wc).
9 Write a shell script to print end of a Glossary file in reverse order using Array. (Use
awk tail)
10 Write a shell script to check whether Ram logged in, Continue checking further after
every 30 seconds till success.
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