Unit 1
Water: Common Impurities of water Hardness of water, Determination of hardness by Clark’s
test and complexometric (EDTA) method, Numerical based on hardness and EDTA method,
Municipal Water Supply: Requisites of potable water, Steps involved in purification of water,
Sedimentation, coagulation, Filtration and Sterilization, Break point chlorination.
Unit 2
Water Treatment: Softening of water, Lime-Soda, Permutit (Zeolite) and Deionization
(Demineralization) methods, Boiler troubles their causes, disadvantages and prevention:
Formation of solids (Scale and Sludge), Carry over (Priming and Foaming), Corrosion and
Caustic, Embrittlement. Numerical problems based on Lime-Soda and Zeolite softening
Unit 3
Basics of Environment: Environmental Pollution, Environmental Acts and Regulations,
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Necessity and methodology of EIA. Renewable
sources of energy, Potential & present status of renewable sources of energy in India. Functional
concepts of Ecology, Basics of species, Ecosystem, Hydrological and chemical cycles, Energy
flow in ecosystems. Biodiversity, population dynamics.
Unit 4
Air Pollution, Noise Pollution and Solid Waste Management: Air Pollution, Harmful effects of
Air Pollution, Control of Air Pollution. Noise Pollution, Harmful effects of noise pollution,
control of noise pollution. Global warming, Acid rain, Ozone depletion. Solid Waste Management, Classification of solid waste, Collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal of
solid waste. Economic recovery of solid waste. Sanitary landfill, on site sanitation.
Unit 5
Water Pollution: Water pollution, Harmful effects of water pollution, control of water pollution.
Waste water management, Treatment & disposal of wastewater. Reuse and saving in use of
water, rain water harvesting.
Corrosion: Definition and its significance. Mechanisms of Chemical (Dry) and Electrochemical
(Wet) corrosion. Protection from corrosion, Protective coatings, cathodic protection, sacrificial
anode and modification in designs.
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