Sunday 22 September 2013

RTU 1st Year 1st Sem B.Tech. Syllabus Engineering Physics Lab


1. To determine the wave length of monochromatic light with the help of Fresnel’s biprism.

2. To determine the wave length of sodium light by Newton’s Ring.

3. To determine the specific rotation of Glucose (Sugar) solution using a polarimeter.

4. To determine the wave length of prominent lines of mercury by plane diffraction grating with
the help of spectrometer.

5. To convert a Galvanometer in to an ammeter of range 1.5 amp. and calibrate it.

6. To convert a Galvanometer in to a voltmeter of range 1.5 volt and calibrate it.

7. To study the variation of a semiconductor resistance with temperature and hence determine
the Band Gap of the semiconductor in the form of reverse biased P-N junction diode.

8. To study the variation of thermo e.m.f. of iron copper thermo couple withtemperature.

9. To determine coherent length and coherent time of laser using He-Ne Laser.


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