Tuesday 24 September 2013

RTU 1st Year 2nd Sem B.Tech. Syllabus Engineering Physics II


Unit 1

Quantum Mechanics: Compton effect & quantum nature of light, Derivation of time dependent
and time independent Schrödinger’s Wave Equation, Physical interpretation of wave function
and its properties, boundary conditions, Particle in one-dimensional box.

Unit 2

Applications of Schrödinger’s Equation, Particle in three-dimensional box and Degeneracy,
Barrier penetration and tunnel effect, Tunneling probability, Alpha Decay, Summerfield’s Free
electron gas model Postulates, Density of energy states, Fermi energy level.

Unit 3

Coherence and Optical Fibres, Spatial and temporal coherence, Coherence length, Coherence
time and ‘Q’ factor for light, Visibility as a measure of coherence, Spatial Coherence and size of
the source, Temporal coherence and spectral purity, Optical fiber as optical wave-guide,
Numerical aperture , maximum angle of acceptance and applications of Optical Fiber.

Unit 4

Lasers and Holography: Theory of laser action, Einstein’s coefficients, Components of a laser,
Threshold conditions for laser action; Theory, Design and applications of He-Ne and
semiconductor lasers; Holography versus photography, Basic theory of holography, Basic
requirement of a holographic laboratory; Applications of holography in microscopy and

Unit 5

Nuclear Radiation Detectors, Characteristics of gas filled detectors: general considerations,
Constructions, Working and properties of: Ionization chamber, proportional counter, G. M.
Counter and Scintillation Counter.


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