Tuesday 24 September 2013

RTU 1st Year 2nd Sem B.Tech. Syllabus Fundamentals of Computer Programming


UNIT – 1

Programming in C: Structure of C Program, Concept of Preprocessor, Macro Substitution,
Intermediate code, Object Code, Executable Code. Compilation Process,
Basic Data types, Importance of braces ({ }) in C Program, enumerated data type, Identifiers,
Scope of Variable, Storage Class, Constants, Operators & Expressions in C, Type Casting,
printf( ) and scanf ( ) with format specifires, reading single character.

UNIT – 2

Control Statements, Command Line Arguments, Arrays in C, Pointers, Using pointers to
represent arrays, Pointer & address arithmetic. Structures, using typedef.

UNIT – 3

Arrays of Structures & pointers, File Handling (fscanf, fprintf, feof, fopen, fclose, fread, fwrite
only). Dynamic memory Allocation.

UNIT – 4

Functions in C, Passing Parameters (By value & Reference), using returned data, Passing arrays,
structures, array of structures, pointer to structures etc., passing characters and strings, The void

UNIT – 5

Stored Program Architecture of Computers, Storage Device- Primary Memory and Secondary
Storage, Random, Direct, Sequential access methods. Concept of High-Level, Assembly and
Low Level programming languages. Representing Algorithms through flow chart, pseudo code,
step by step.
Number System: Data Representation, Concept of radix and representation of numbers in radix r
with special cases of r=2, 8, 10 and 16 with conversion from radix r1 to radix r2. r’s and (r-1)’s
complement, Representation of alphabets.


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