Wednesday 25 September 2013

RTU 4th sem Computer Engineering B.Tech. Syllabus Microprocessor Lab


1 Add the contents of memory locations XX00 &XX01 & place the result in memory
location XX02.

2 Add the 16 bit numbers stored in memory location & store the result in another
memory location.

3 Transfer a block of data from memory location XX00 to another memory location
XX00 in forward & reverse order.

4 Write a program to Swap two blocks of data stored in memory.

5 Write a program to find the square of a number.

6 Write a main program & a conversion subroutine to convert Binary to its equivalent

7 Write a program to find largest & smallest number from a given array.

8 Write a program to Sort an array in ascending & descending order.

9 Write a program to multiply two 8 bit numbers whose result is 16 bit.

10 Write a program of division of two 8 bit numbers.

11 Generate square wave from SOD pin of 8085 & observe on CRO.

12 Write a program to perform traffic light control operation.

13 Write a program to control the speed of a motor.


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