Tuesday 24 September 2013

RTU 3rd sem Computer Engineering B.Tech. Syllabus C++ Programming


1 To write a simple program for understanding of C++ program structure without any
CLASS declaration. Program may be based on simple input output, understanding of
keyword using.

2 Write a C++ program to demonstrate concept of declaration of class with public &
private member, constructors, object creation using constructors, access restrictions,
defining member functions within and outside a class. Scope resolution operators,
accessing an object’s data members and functions through different type of object
handle name of object, reference to object, pointer to object, assigning class objects
to each other.

3 Program involving multiple classes (without inheritance) to accomplish a task.
Demonstrate composition of class.

4 Demonstration Friend function friend classes and this pointer.

5 Demonstration dynamic memory management using new & delete & static class

6 Demonstration of restrictions an operator overloading, operator functions as member
function and/ or friend function, overloading stream insertion and stream extraction,
operators, overloading operators etc.

7 Demonstrator use of protected members, public & private protected classes, multilevel
inheritance etc.

8 Demonstrating multiple inheritance, virtual functions, virtual base classes, abstract


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