Tuesday 24 September 2013

RTU 3rd sem Computer Engineering B.Tech. Syllabus Fundamentals Of Linux Shell Programming


Unit I

Introduction: Logging in, changing password (passwd command only), man, xman,
info commands to access on line help. Simple commands like ls, cp, mv, grep, head,
tail, sort, uniq, diff, echo, date, which, whereis, whatis, who, finger w (option and
variations included).
Directory commands, access permissions, changing access permissions for files and
directories, hard & symbolic links. Environment and path setting.

Unit II

vi editor: Creating and editing files, features of vi, insertion deletion, searching,
substitution operations, yank, put, delete commands, reading & writing files, exrc
file for setting parameters, advance editing techniques. vim(improved vi).
Programming utilities: Compiling & linking C, C++ programs, make utility,
debugging C programs using gdb, system call.

Unit III

Introduction to X-window system: x-window as client/ server system, concept of
window manager, remote computing & local displays, xinitrc file, customize X work
environment and applications, customizing the fvwm window manager.

Unit IV

Shell: Meaning and purpose of shell, Introduction to types of shell. The command
line, standard input and standard output, redirection, pipes, filters special characters
for searching files and pathnames.
Bourne Again SHell: shell script-writing and executing, command separation &
grouping, redirection, directory stack manipulation, processes, parameters &
variables, keyword variables.

Unit V

Shell Programming: Control structures, the Here document, expanding NULL or
USET variables, Builtins, functions, history, aliases, job control, filename
substitution. source code management- RCS and CVS. awk utility.


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